Monday, January 23, 2012

Strict Press
75% x 5
80% x 5
85% x 5
wait 3 min between rounds
wait at least 10 min for metcon

3 rounds of 3
double unders x 20
clean and jerk x 2 @ 185# or 85 to 90% bodyweight

wait whatever it took you to do one round 3x, then repeat. If it takes more than 5 min, lower the weight


  1. 125 x 5
    130 x 5
    140 x 5

    walked a lazy 30 min

    then metcon @ 185# C&J
    1. 4:18
    2. 4:20
    3. 4:50
    double unders were easy the last C&J on ea round sucked

  2. SP 95#,85#,90#
    Did 40 jumps instead of 20 DU's
    CJ 95,90,85
