Tuesday, January 10, 2012

55% of max x 5
75% of max x 3
95% of max x 1

3 min between each round
wait 10 min

4 rounds
3 min between rounds
whatever your OHS max is, is the weight you will use
20 BS (back Squat) unbroken
sprint 40 yd
10 c2G (chest to ground) pushups


  1. Lower the weight if you can not do them unbroken

    155# rounds 1 and 2
    135# rounds 3 and 4

    This was an ugly heifer.
    The rest of the week is a deloadish week

  2. OHS 95#x5,115#x3,115#x3 (couldn't get another 20# up)

    120# round 1
    95# rounds 2&3
    85# round 4

    It's a bitch getting the weight from/to the ground, but it's a start...
