Wednesday, January 11, 2012

begining a deload week.

Strict press
60% of max x 5
65% of max x 5
75% of max x 5

Double unders 100x
Tuck up holds 10 seconds
3 tuck planche pushups
5 rounds

take as much of a bread is needed to do the double unders in a minimum of 50 at a time. Go for unbroken

for those who cant double under substitute 20 burpees
for those who cant tuck planche pushup or tuck up you have 5 reverse handstand wall walk ups
this means get in a pushup position with feet on the wall. Walk hands back to the wall and the feet up the wall until you get into a handstand then work yourself back into the wall plank. Try to not put the feet on the ground.
20 burpees
5 Handstand Wall Walk ups (HWW)
5 rounds


  1. Strict press: 55#,65#,65# (had to cheat on the last one)

    5,3,1 on the HWW

    My arms is weak!

  2. I enjoyed the workout
    This is the first time the dip position on rings felt okay. Sore but not pain. I will give them 2 more weeks until dips.

    Double unders were good, Tuck was sore but good, tuck planche pushups were hard.

    Good start to the deloading week
