Monday, March 29, 2010

scale appropriately

high swings and sit ups total 300
for time
post time to comments


  1. 9:42 with high swings and unanchored feet

  2. 10:13 with high swings and unanchored feet
    this got hard but it was kinda fun too

  3. 14:24 hi swings & unanchored feet.... i dunno Rhonda - - parkour= fun; these workouts (pain in my ass) = NOT fun!! hahahahahaha!! ...but you are a goddess!!! WORK DIVA!!!

  4. I started this workout thinking it might give me energy, I was so crashing tired. Halfway through my body said stop! Maybe cause I did 5 sets of 135lb deadlifts yesterday or ... some psychological stres-fatigue thing. Yes I ate a huge meal this morning. Try again tomorrow... Rhonda you are a goddess. I was past four minutes 15 and only at 120.

  5. I am an animal! And it does help to have some competition standing next to you. You all can't see it but I'm actually 6 feet tall and almost as big as Adam hence my slightly slower time than his. hahahaha! Dang, I'm gonna miss him.
