- L3 c
- Ido locomotion work
- Swim 30 min
- Bar work 30 min lazy
- Pullups
- pull overs (http://gymnasticswod.com/content/pull-over-progression-pt1)
- dips
- swings
- dip to elbow support
- monkey bars
- pistols standing on a bar
- box jump to balance (precision)
OHS @ 65% bodyweight x 5
KBS @ 50% BW
AMRAN (As Many Rounds As Needed) to reach 100 swings
Movements must be clean. THey do not have to be done in one session. You can break it up throughout the day
OHS=Overhead squat
KBS=Kettlebell swing
the weighted walk...30# vest plus 25#KB 3 miles
OHS @135#
1. kbs 15
2. 35
3. 60
4. 85
5. 100